My dream diary. Only the best ones will be shared.

Potential warning for NSFW content.

I try to tag my dreams with my own tags for categorization.

: Modern Architecture - Takashi Wada


Sleeping and Dreaming

People in my personal life may be present in these dreams. click here for the glossary.


I had a dream I was a semi-immortal human. I died, but every time I died I was simply reincarnated a few hours up to a few days later, my body appearing to be sleeping in the meantime. For some reason, I seemed to die extremely often. In this dream, I was a guy and a kid, maybe about 15. I had an older brother (to contrast my older sister in real life?) who might've been 19. Together, we had the goal of going to an alien planet to observe alien life. Coincidentially, the next night we slept, there was an alien invasion and they selected my brother and I to be the abducted. We woke up on an alien planet. I remember it was sort of like a desert - brown, dusty, not very inhabited (sparse buildings here and there) and overall miserable to be in. The aliens living there knew how to speak English to us and informed us that they were friendly and recruited us to find something they had lost. They told me they chose us because we were the youngest in the area (the older you get the less you see I guess... though my vision is quite terrible in real life) that were also able to hold a conversation. We all left the house to search, but the moment the last person stepped outside, it exploded. As if it was planned. I was the last person out the house, so I was in closest proximity to the explosion, fatally wounding and killing me immediately.

For the rest of the dream, I follow my older brother's perspective. He was sad I had died, but he knew he only had to wait a few days for my return, and continued onward. In reality, I had actually died. Eternally. I was not going to return. But he doesn't know this. After searching for a while, the group gets seperated in a maze of buildings (some kind of city) leaving my brother alone. He sees a bundle of cloths wrapped up in an alley way and assumes it's some kind of abandoned child. He approaches to help, but upon reaching out, the bundle of clothes quickly unwraps to reveal a fully grown (short) alien man waiting unsuspecting prey to beat and rob senseless. It happens in broad daylight - my brother struggles for a bit and reaches the open street before falling prey - but no one seems to care. My brother was beat until he was within inches of his life... the last sensations he experienced were his body being spit on and seeing the alien walk away as he mutters "Dirty human scum." under his breath. Everything goes dark for a few seconds... and his eyes pop open. He feels completely fine... no pain, no soreness. The blood has dried and is obscuring his vision but he's alive. He gets up and begins to search for the aliens that abducted us. He finds them in a parking lot, sitting in their car, trading some items with someone outside their window. My brother approaches the aliens, and they are visibly shocked. Reaonably so, considering this man just went missing for days and suddenly finds them with ease, covered in blood but with the same clothing he was wearing on the first day they met. He enters their car without saying anything and they start talking as if they're old friends.

Randomly, a time skip occurs. I'm not blessed with the omnsicient knowledge of what happened during it (despite it being my dream!?), all I can observe now is my brother in a dark room, thinking about the past few weeks he's been on this alien planet. He appears to be terrified. He can't find my body anywhere, these aliens that abducted us don't seem disturbed by the fact that their house EXPLODED at all, and worst of all, he doesn't seem to go a day without dying at least once, to all kinds of methods. To make matters even worse, He's started seeing visions of himself. Some kinds of apparitions. After every death, a new one appears. Ghosts of himself, slightly... changed. They all have glowing white eyes, and they're all covered in the same wounds he experienced time of death. Mangled, bleeding, missing limbs. He's terrified of them. They appear whenever it's dark, whenever he lays to sleep, whenever he allows himself to relax for too long. If he approaches them, they disappear. They're completely harmless otherwise, but he's terrified of them. Terrified of the day when they'll stop disappearing and confront him instead. He's stuck in a single dark room, ghosts of what seem to be his past lives tearing way at his sanity, with the only distraciton from all of it being the aliens that kidnapped him occasionally entering his room to give him some tasteless slop of food... Along with a few CDs of music to listen to. Mostly Radiohead.

Note: this dream entry seems insanely long in comparison to the rest of the dreams listed here, but most of my dreams are like that. I just had a dry spell at the beginning of making this page.

Tags: genderswap, aliens, abduction/kidnapping, death, multiple deaths, insanity, Radiohead, ghosts, tragedy, mentally taxing dream


I had a dream a girl (under 15 years of age) had time traveled from a very long time ago (the 1800s) to see Slipknot live in Florida. She had ended up time traveling to modern-day my house. Me, my sister, my mom, and my dad apprehended her, took all her belongings, and interrogated her. She was very friendly and patient with us even though we were quite the opposite, and we all ended up becoming friends. She threw a light playful punch to my sister to say "Awe, gimme my stuff back! Haha!" but for some reason we all took this as a sign of aggression and immediately piled on her and began beating her. I woke up before I could see if we resolved the issue or killed her.

tags: girl, child, My Family, Slipknot, concert, fighting


I had a dream about a little girl (under 10 years of age) who wished to remove her face. I don't know why she would wish that - there was no prior exposition. But her wish came true and when she went to school the next day, her face was gone. Her head was still there. Of course, all of her classmates treated her like she was some kind of monster. They all either avoided her or tormented her directly. Eventually she got so tired of it she started killing people.

I personally was nowhere present in the dream, I was observing it as an outsider.

tags: child, girl, bullying, wish, school, murder