Not so much a shrine... more like an OC page. Except the OC is me. Lol.

: Bearded Fireworm - Ozoyo


Hello from the computer screen.


Miscellaneous Info

So, like I said, not really a shrine. I just wanted somewhere to put all the information about this little critter somewhere. Alongside that, I'll sprinkle in some Robloxian (species) headcanons... I think Robloxians are really cute.

Anyway, this is the page dedicated to the grey skinned girl you've been seeing all over my website. That's me! I look nothing like her in the real life, but it's how I feel as though I should be represented in the digital world. Nine times out of ten, if I'm using a service that allows for some kind of character customization, I will make my avatar look as close as possible to her.

When I draw (which is very rare nowadays) it's basically just her. Most of the drawings of her on here will be mine - a few my best friend Sam's. Her appearance will change often, but that's okay. Technology was never known for being stagnant


Design and Personality

Some information about her physical design, her personality, and why these design choices are important/relevant to me.


  • Name: none lol
  • Height: a few inches
  • Weight: a few grams
  • Skin Color: dark-ish grey
  • Hair Color: white with purple tips
  • Eye Color: yellow
  • Species: Robloxian
  • Sex: F (though I don't think Robloxians have concrete ideas of what sexes are)
  • Pronouns: She/her/it/its (it is the basic pronouns for robloxians, she/her is preferred but if you use 'it' she wouldn't be offended)
  • Her external inhuman traits can change on a whim. She isn't a shapeshifter of any kind, but she has been various animals... a wolf, a dog, a bat, and currently a robot.


    Her personality has changed since her creation. At first, she was supposed to be this elegant type of girl. This was mostly because of the hair model that I had used upon initial character creation (at the time I did not know it was supposed to be Emilia from Re:Zero). I thought the long flowy hair and cute braid (and item name I guess) were very princess-like. Then, I changed her to just be me with a different hair and skin color. A true self-insert, she wasn't a separate entity from me, she was Me. After a while, I started gravitating towards making her quite child-like, and a very airheaded bubbly girl. Currently, she's a serious type of girl. Mostly neutral and emotionless, mostly because of the fact that she's also currently a robot.

    This natural sort of progression mostly highlights how my perception of myself has changed. As of now, I've completely embraced the "emotionless robot" description people would slap onto me when I was younger.




    Mostly drawings. Though I personally delve into other creative outlets, I'm rarely ever good enough to actually display them.



    Is Roblox


    There are a few statements I've typed before that might require some explanation and some I want to bring up that are relevant to my character.

    Throughout this page, I've been going on and on about the Robloxian species and how Robloxians do this and that differently from other species... It might sound deranged, but I personally believe Robloxians have their own ecosystem and biological behaviors and abilities that seperate them from simple humans. These can technically apply to any kind of digital avatar, but Roblox is kind of the only one I know that has a set name for its "species" (users) rather than just calling them players or something.

    For one, I think Robloxians have the ability to just alter their body parts in major ways without the need of surgery or things like that... if we're speaking fantastically of course. Realistically, Robloxians are just little dolls you can put on or take off clothing and accessories and body parts. But if they were a living creature, I think it would be appropriate to say that they can just change how they look without it really being a big deal. Anyone who plays Roblox and has a lot of friends knows that sometimes your friendlist changes completely and some of the people on there become completely unrecognizable. This can include minor changes like changing hair length from long to short and then back to long, changing body size, changing subspecies (something I haven't thought out enough at the time to really go indepth with), changing skin color... really anything that's possible to change on roblox is something all Robloxians have to ability to do without issue.

    Also, I stated earlier I don't think Robloxians have a concrete idea of what sex or even gender is. This is because it's something that is so unimportant in the grand scheme of Roblox society, specifically in the modern times... around 2016 (when I have the most memories of playing as a kid) I remember there were a lot of gender divided games, like "girls only hang out game" or "boys vs girls hang out" where the whole map would be split in two colors - bright pink and bright blue, of course - and the two would mingle in the middle. These kinds of games are basically extinct now.